Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spiritual Life is a Battle

There's a reason Krishna told Arjuna to stand up and fight.

There's a reason why the story of the Chandi Path is a bloody battle.

There's a reason why the Gurus are both gentle and fierce.

 There's a reason why we struggle.

And, one day, we will succeed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Poem to Divine Mother Chandi

Oh Goddess,
Won't you teach me to be free?
When will I get tired of swimming is this sea of misery?

My mind is addicted to all the thoughts going by,
while my soul is married to She Who is Beyond Time.

Oh Goddess,
Won't you teach me to dance on your tides?
Like my Gurus, who with Divine Detachment, keep only you in mind.

Oh Goddess,
Teach me to come closer, Teach me to Surrender to Pure Love,
So that I may live with you in your Holy Yantra Abode.

Your eternal rhythm is the Ultimate Goal.

Purify me of all insincerity.

Hi, my name is Shivani and I'm addicted to attachment.

Authentic Yoga is the Cosmic 8-Step Program.

Points covered in the program:

1. Everything that happens is karmically perfect. All suffering is the result of our own attachment.

2. Events cause activity in the unenlightened mind. This produces more karma unless the seeker uses these mental ripples as inspiration to go deeper, to find Shankara (a name for Shiva meaning "The Cause of Peace").

3. The mind and the emotions are addicted to attachment, while the inner soul is the abode of Chandi (Chandi= the Goddess, "She Who Tears Apart Thought"). Spiritual life is about learning to make the right choice, Chandi, to produce to result you truly want, peace and happiness.  This is a monumental shift. The Guru teaches how to make the shift.

4. Gurus can not make the choice for you, but they can inspire you and give you the tools to make the right choice.  They have a lot of patience.

5. Chandi and the Guru are the only salvation, because they are beyond attachment.