Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Transformation and Inertia

Transformation is a tricky thing.   You say you want to change but your behavior shows otherwise.  You say you want to become a sadhu, but you hold on tightly to the baggage of your past – physically, mentally, spiritually.  You say you want to leave it all behind, but you are too attached to even know what that means.  Your insincerity is your ornament.  Soon approaching is the time to make a serious change. 

One can not stay around enlightened masters and say one thing yet continue to do another.  If you want to lead a spiritual life then learn to be spiritual.  Or go back and find your momentary solace in the things of the world.  

Not even my back stays straight now.  Everything about me feels crooked.  I am going to watch a movie, rather than sit in front of my alter.  How is that for spirituality?

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