She really is so much more than just her body.
I can try and deny her...try and put up a shield when I feel angry or hurt that I am not around her like I would like to be.
But ultimately, how can I deny my own soul? It is so sad to push her away! It is the giving up of love and the embracement of anger and hatred. That is not what the spiritual path should be about.
Maa is the most beautiful. Sometimes I think her the cause of my troubles (sorry to say), for She is Kali, the Energy of Transformation. But when I move from the mind to the heart, she allows me to remember that She is the most soothing.
The most loving.
Completely loving.
Always giving love, even when I do not accept her love and then blame her for the resulting discomfort.
She is the Mother.
The mind is veeeery tricky. It creates our own suffering and then shields the truth of our responsibility in this matter so that we blame the outside. Thus we remain in the cycle of suffering.
If I can't be around Maa's body, so be it, but then I at least want to try to learn to live with the soul.
Jesus is part of the path back to her. The act of forgiveness. Of becoming soft, so that we can let the love and the light in.
May all minds be receptive to this love and to this grace. Swami reminds again and again that kripa, the Sanskrit word for grace, means "what you do is what you get." Kri = do and pa = get.

They do say, after all, that if we take one step towards Divine Mother, she takes a thousand steps toward us.
In our hearts, we love you Maa. Please help us not to forget. For your love is always there, but our love makes the difference of whether or not we feel it.
When we have love, we feel your love. It's the same love.
One love. One Maa. One Soul. Jai Maa.