Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dentist or Divinity?

As I sat in the dentist today for 2 hours - yes, that's right, 2 hours - my nerves felt on end and I though this must be what torture is like except they don't give you novacane.

Then I thought - everything can be divine, even a trip to the dentist. Maybe not divine in the sense that I have some completely cosmic out there experience. But maybe on the path, divinity is often more subtle. Maybe now is the time to find divinity in my heart - in a simple feeling of love.

Swami has mentioned over the last few months that in the practice of puja we learn to control our energy. He talked about this a lot in terms of prana prathishth

a and establishing the pot. He said we take the energy for the deity, put it into the pot, take the energy from our heart, put it into the yantra, then take the energy back and put it into our heart.

He said we have all this divine energy, we can start to control it and give it away to wherever and whoever we want. "I have this flower of God's love in my heart and I want you to have it."

I suppose then, even a trip to the dentist's office can be an opportunity to offer a flower of God's love to another.

Jai Guru.