Sunday, August 5, 2012

Reflections on this Blog

When Swamiji first told me to write this blog, I had really mixed feelings about it.  Or rather, I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about it.  Sorry to say, but it's true.

If you are totally self centered and fascinated with your own "story" and you go to someone to try and become un-self centered, probably one of the last things you want to hear them tell you is to write about yourself, publicly.  I still feel like maybe Swamiji was playing with my desire for people to know about me, to know my story.  Playing with my tendency to think MY story is more interesting, or less interesting for that matter, than anybody else's.  (Maa said on the night of Holi in the kitchen, "Everyone has a story.")

As with everything that my Gurus suggest, in actually I enjoy working with this blog.  It's a great way to reflect and to deepen understanding, and its also a nice release when you don't have anyone to talk to and you're not spiritually advanced enough to through all of your thoughts in the Divine Fire with a declaration of "svaha," "I am One with God!")

When I am writing on my screen, there is no one directly on the other side hearing the words.  And part of me thinks not many people will read this at all, so I feel free just to write. 

I pray to the Mother Saraswatī that the experience of writing for this blog helps me to learn, to grow, and to more deeply absorb the teachings of my Gurus.  I pray to the Goddess and to my Gurus for forgiveness for any mistakes I make a long the way.

Kṣamāsya.  Please forgive me.

1 comment:

  1. Namaste Shivani

    Trust me your blog has some good content and you are doing a great work with the choice of words and also putting pics whenever needed at the same time making sure not to overload with only pics.

    I am sure this blog is and will be read by more and more aspiring yogis like I did. It can also serve as a place to connect aspiring yogis.

    May God give you all the help needed to continue this great work. I think everything happening as per God's will. All the best to you and let me know if you need any support from me for this blog.

    Jai Maa
    Om Namah Shivaya
